Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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FS: guppies lots o guppies

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FS: guppies lots o guppies Empty FS: guppies lots o guppies

Post  jikin junkie Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:48 am

I have to make some more room again. Will trade with club members, all others cash only. Here is what is for sale. Twisted Evil
1adult pair of blond double swords gups $10
1adult pair of sunset gups $10
1adult pair of red blue bicolor $10
1 adult pair of neon wizard swordtail gups $10
1 adult pair of panda gups $10
6 fry of blond vienna lower swordtail gups or two young pair $5
10 fry of neon wizard swordtail gups $5
scoop o' endlers $10
trio of orange blossom swordtails (not guppies but actual swordtails) $20
All plants $2 a clump
water sprite, large leaf and narrow leaf
money wart
sword plants
java moss
java fern
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

Posts : 463
Join date : 2012-01-01

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