Whisper 20i internal tank filters.
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Whisper 20i internal tank filters.
I needed a filter for my mudskipper tank and didn’t really want to use a sponge filter.
I bought a Whisper 20i Internal Tank filter like this one: http://www.tetra-fish.com/sites/tetrafish/catalog/detail.aspx?id=4217
I think I paid $13 for it at Petmountain.com.
So far this is a great buy. I have the mudskippers in a 40-breeder filled about 1/3 of the way and this filter is keeping things spotless.
It uses regular cartridge type filer pads and is very quiet and easy to hide.
I loved it so much that I am getting 2 more to use in the Bumblee Goby and Newt/Salamander tanks which are setup similarly to the mudskipper tank.
I bought a Whisper 20i Internal Tank filter like this one: http://www.tetra-fish.com/sites/tetrafish/catalog/detail.aspx?id=4217
I think I paid $13 for it at Petmountain.com.
So far this is a great buy. I have the mudskippers in a 40-breeder filled about 1/3 of the way and this filter is keeping things spotless.
It uses regular cartridge type filer pads and is very quiet and easy to hide.
I loved it so much that I am getting 2 more to use in the Bumblee Goby and Newt/Salamander tanks which are setup similarly to the mudskipper tank.
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