Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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XL Driftwood

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XL Driftwood  Empty XL Driftwood

Post  SeanSS Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:03 pm

XL Piece of driftwood
Not sure on the type of wood, i do know that it is relatively heavy.
Measures 28 inches long and is around 14 inches at its widest point.
I placed this in my aquarium, one end of it wanted to float for about 3 days. After about 3 days of soaking, the entire piece was laying on the bottom.

$50 takes it
Located in SW Champaign

XL Driftwood  20141209_210206_zpsb9ad09ba

Posts : 152
Join date : 2012-05-28
Age : 35
Location : Urbana

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