Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Outside Events

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Outside Events Empty Outside Events

Post  Pet Event Coordinator Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:27 pm

Our Chamber holds an annual outdoor Pet Promenade and Picnic event in September. My goal is to provide this event with pets other then Dogs and Cats. I was wondering if you group has ever done or considered coming to an event like this. It would help spread the word for Fish Adoption and possible help increase participation in your club.

I understand the logistics would be tough with aquariums and other power needs, but we can provide power. Please let me know your thoughts and we can continue this conversation. I think it would be very unique and creative if we could have representation from the aquatic community at our event

Pet Event Coordinator

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Outside Events Empty Re: Outside Events

Post  DavidZ Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:22 pm

Where is this event? You dont mention a city.


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Join date : 2011-12-29
Age : 61
Location : Normal, IL


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