Green eggs and ....
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Green eggs and ....
Hmmm... I was taking pics of my shrimps. It wasn't until I was reviewing the photos that I saw one of the Ghost shrimps looked to have some kind of green growth on/in it. At first I thought it was algae the shrimp had eaten, albeit weird, since I'd never seen that before. But then I finally noticed, and it dawned on me, that those little green things are eggs. I was so busy looking at the brain (so weird and good, very conspicuous) that I was missing seeing the eggs. Just thought I'd share...
With eggs
A different shrimp photographed at the same sitting
PS.... Obviously these are not great photos, lol, but it's the content I wanted to share.
Hmmm... I was taking pics of my shrimps. It wasn't until I was reviewing the photos that I saw one of the Ghost shrimps looked to have some kind of green growth on/in it. At first I thought it was algae the shrimp had eaten, albeit weird, since I'd never seen that before. But then I finally noticed, and it dawned on me, that those little green things are eggs. I was so busy looking at the brain (so weird and good, very conspicuous) that I was missing seeing the eggs. Just thought I'd share...
With eggs
A different shrimp photographed at the same sitting
PS.... Obviously these are not great photos, lol, but it's the content I wanted to share.
Katnapper- Posts : 444
Join date : 2013-02-01
Age : 58
Location : Bloomington, IL
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