Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

Post  jikin junkie Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:13 pm

Sunday was kinda crazy. We lost power for about twenty minutes but luckily it came back on again. House was pounded by baseball size hail. I had to do water changes, ran out of dechlorinator, went to Petco because Sam's place was out of power and closed. Petco was without power but still open, they gave me a bottle of dechlorinator and wrote down my info/credit. If I didn't need it at the moment, I would have said forget it. Also if anyone in the furture needs a battery airpump, I can loan it out.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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Join date : 2012-01-01

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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Re: Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

Post  DavidZ Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:13 am

We lost power from about 12:30PM Sunday to 10AM Monday morning. I have the gas heater in the fishroom so I was able to keep things warm. Doing water changes everyday until the fluidized bed filter gets recharged. Haven't lost anything yet.

The blackworms didn't fare so well as that little fridge doesnt hold cold very well, probably lost half of them.

With all the water changes, all the corrys are spawing again.

I have a huge bottle of Safe and some leftover Prime you could have borrowed.

We're looking into one of those whole house generators to prevent future problems. Would have been much worse if it was a longer outage or colder outside. Considersing one person lost their life (their wife works at the hospital on the floor below me) and hundreds lost their homes, we're counting our blessings.


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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Hail

Post  jikin junkie Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:22 pm

Well my car has giant dents in it. We also had baseball sized hail. After it blew over, I ran out and gathered some up. I have a picture of it.Did anyone lose power Sunday night? 01010
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

Posts : 463
Join date : 2012-01-01

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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Re: Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

Post  DavidZ Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:24 pm

Fortunately I was at the fish show in Chciago that day so I missed all the action.


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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Re: Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

Post  Katnapper Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:18 am

Just look at that hail... WOW!! Shocked  I didn't realize it got that bad locally. We live on the southwest edge of Bloomington and did not lose power. I had been working nights that week, sleeping days... and slept right through it all (I had earplugs in and was wearing a sleep eye-mask).

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Age : 58
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Did anyone lose power Sunday night? Empty Re: Did anyone lose power Sunday night?

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