Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Missouri Swap Meet in October

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Missouri Swap Meet in October Empty Missouri Swap Meet in October

Post  DavidZ Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:55 pm

Just a reminder that I will be going down to the swap meet in Missouri on October 5th and have two tables reserved.

If you would like to have me sell some things for you start breeding/buying now, and let me know what you'll anticipate having so I can get them listed on the swap site. We can also sell used equipment/supplies if they are in good shape.

Only requirements are that you (1) have whatever you want me to take at my house by 6PM Friday night the 4th of October safely bagged and ready for travel, (2) some of the proceeds be donated to the club (doesn’t have to be a lot, but the amount should reflect what you make), and (3) we don’t cannibalize other members sales (For example Adam/Mark will probably have Angels covered).

Prior to the show I will be buying Purina Aquamax 100 and 200 if anyone is interested. Member price is $1.25 a pound with 3 lb minimum. Show price will be probably $3.50/$4.00 a pound. It cost like $1 a pound in the 50 lb bag, so member price is about cost.

Any questions let me know.


Posts : 862
Join date : 2011-12-29
Age : 62
Location : Normal, IL


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