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new to me riparium supply link

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new to me  riparium supply link Empty new to me riparium supply link

Post  egbar guppies Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:49 am

since i will be setting up a new fish room anyways i may have to play with this. fun to do


anybody already doing/done this? comments, advice, etc?

egbar guppies

Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-12-16

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new to me  riparium supply link Empty terrarium

Post  jikin junkie Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:30 am

I built a terrarium out of a 55 gallon once. I used a ceramic (fake slate) floor tile and caulked it in the center of the tank. I put a layer of fish gravel on both sides and then soil and orchid potting mix on one side while the fish and water went into the other. I glued cork bark for the background on the inside of the tank to disquise my water pump spout which trickled down the cork like a mini water fall. I had a single strip light over the tank. I grew java moss, in the water and out. Makes a beautiful carpet on land. I also grew a lot of other aquatic plants on the "land" part and up the cork walls. Don't use house plants, they get too big unless you stick to dwarf varieties of violet and orchids. I tucked some small orchid species in the cork walls. Looked fabulous however my downfall was when I added a stump from outside and it started rotting (smelled so bad) it grew mushrooms on it but then it got moldy and slimy and the smell was terrible. I took it all down after that. Laughing
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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new to me  riparium supply link Empty Re: new to me riparium supply link

Post  DavidZ Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:56 am

I have a 29 that i have half water and half spangham moss. it houses a Eastern Newt, a red belly Salamander and 3 red eyed tree frogs.

The plants are silk, but goal it it replace them with real ones.

this looks like a good resource.


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Join date : 2011-12-29
Age : 61
Location : Normal, IL


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