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T5HO Bulb Life

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T5HO Bulb Life  Empty T5HO Bulb Life

Post  SeanSS Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:04 pm

Specifically colormax bulbs.

I bought a pair of bulbs, each individually package from Sailfin in Champaign quite a few months back, less then a year ago.
I was cleaning house earlier and just so happened to flip over both of my 36" fixtures that sit on top of my 125G tank, i noticed 1 bulb not even
on and another very dim.
I got to looking and come to find out, both of them were my newer colormax bulbs.
The original 10k bulbs that came with the fixtures, both still shine bright and work fine.

Anyone else experienced shortish life with the colormax bulbs?
They are coralife bulbs. The fixtures are Odyssea 36" T5HO fixtures.


Posts : 152
Join date : 2012-05-28
Age : 35
Location : Urbana

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