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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:55 am

This is the info I have----

Hi Mark, yes I have a lot of babies right now that are dimes. Yes I have some blue smokeys and some smokey paraibas. I think I have both in standard and veils. I also have a group of pinoy paraibas the same size. Then I also have some blue silvers, blue ghosts, and paraibas. All the blue ones are from Carols snakeskin line crossed with a blue silver gold marble of mine. So there is the possiblitly they might have the snake pattern when they get to silver dollar size. I'm doing a package deal 6 for $30.

I think this is a good price but it does not include shipping. I will pay for the first $16 shipping. There may be a little more added to the price to pay for shipping if the shipping cost is more then this.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:31 am

I will place my order todaywhen I get off work.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:27 am

how did they turn out mark? and where did you order from?

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:34 am

I ordered them from Becky in Nixon Missouri. I ordered some smokey pinoys, pinoy ghosts. The first batch were DOA and the second batch came in looking bad. All of the fish were laying flat and did not look like they were alive. The bags were cold. I put the bags in hot water and within a hour they were all swimming. Those piony are nice looking fish.
Frank from Chicago is working on some 1/2 black PB angels. I would like to get some of them once he has the strain down.

The next time Carol is selling snake skins I will probably look at buying some of them from her.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:25 pm

do you still have any of the marble pariabas i sold you a while back? im afraid im on the verdge of loosing my female breeder marble pariaba and its making me sick. thats a 100.00 fish from oyama in hawaii Shocked

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:12 am

she was dead this morning No

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:09 pm

I gave them to my brother in the St. Louis area.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:18 pm

are you still interested in getting some snakeskins from carol? i contacted her about a replacement for the marble pariah, and im not sure if i will order enough to fill out the box. any interest in splitting the box with me?

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:20 pm

I just e mail Carol to see if she has any more for sale.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:07 pm

how did your fish from carol turn out mark?

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:31 am

They look nice, The snakeskin pattern has not come out fully. She statesthat as they get bigger it will show more.

I am pretty full when it comes to angels, a 75 with 1/2 blacks, a 75 with angels from becky and some albinos, and a third tank with Carols.
I am keeping my fingers cross that they will start breeding this summer.

What did you end uo ordering from her?



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:30 am

This list is all adults: smokie marble pariaba pearlscale x marble pariaba pair, blue leopard veil snakeskin 100% coverage, blue zebra male with 100% glitter coverage, pinoy marble veil male, smokie pinoy pariaba female standard, then I got a knockout pair of plats. The female is the fish she had for sale for 200.00 just for her. I got a male that she picked out of her personal show tank. So um yeah I'm pretty excited. I hope to be making babies right away.

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:51 am

were you able to get the half blacks to turn?

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  twocat Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:54 pm

The 1/2 blacks have turned.



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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

Post  adowns99 Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:23 pm

Any pics of them? Are they big enough to sex?

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I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know Empty Re: I am ordering angels if anyone wants to add to my order let me know

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