Discus Basics eBook
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Discus Basics eBook
On our website I have posted a link to an ebook on Discus Basics. I haven't read it yet, but if anyone takes a look at it post your opinions.
Re: Discus Basics eBook
A Interesting read!!! The information was the same I have read on other sites! This book just has it all in one place. Very nice descriptions about of the varieties. I think it will be a great guide in the future for trouble shooting issues, and tank set up!!!! Although it has many spelling errors You can get what the author was trying to convey. I have talked to Mark about his Discus several times, and he does not seem to worried about some of the rules they have talked about!! I will also say that all information should be taken with a grain of salt. I am sure that Jikin Junkie and others will agree with me that some extreme measures of fish keeping are a little far removed from reality!! For instance many goldfish guides will say you should have 20 or more gallons to each fish!!! If you are using proper and sometimes more then proper filtration the Gallons per fish is a little different. Great find David. Mark I wish you luck with your baby discus!!!! I have been thinking about turning my 300gal into a discus tank and every passing day I like these amazing fish more and more!!!!!
RainingReason112358- Posts : 118
Join date : 2011-12-30
Age : 39
Location : Arrowsmith, IL
Re: Discus Basics eBook
too much more work for me. im already up to my eyeballs with work now with all these angels. like my fry get a wc every day. gotta love em tho
adowns99- Posts : 245
Join date : 2011-12-29
Location : tremont, il
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