Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Livebearers Empty Livebearers

Post  Oldman Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:24 pm

I will be attending the American Livebearer's Association convention the last week in April. If you would like me to try to get you some of the hard to find livebearers, shoot me an e-mail at ghreed_ala@yahoo.com. If I know what you want and what you are willing to spend for them, I can bid on them during the auction the last day of the convention. If I succeed, I will try to link up with you around the following Monday, April 30. I had hoped to present this option at the April meeting but it seems we will not have one.


Posts : 31
Join date : 2012-01-09
Age : 76
Location : Forsyth, IL

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Livebearers Empty Re: Livebearers

Post  RainingReason112358 Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:16 am

Have you been before? If so what do you usually see?

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Livebearers Empty Re: Livebearers

Post  jikin junkie Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:38 pm

Last time I went to one of those was when it was in Indy. If you come across some Limia nigrofasciata I'd be willing pay! Otherwise enjoy your trip! cheers
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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Livebearers Empty Re: Livebearers

Post  Oldman Sat May 05, 2012 12:31 am

I managed to pick up some very nice mollies from Goliad Farms and some nice goodeid juveniles from another hobbyist. Since I had no specific requests, I just bought for myself. Charles Clapsaddle, the owner of Goliad Farms, was at the convention and lectured on how he produces his prize winning livebearers so I will be trying his methods on those fish that I brought home. Maybe I will have some worthwhile silver sailfin mollies to offer at a future meeting.
I did not see any Limias offered so that did not work out jinkin junkie.

It is a toss up what you will see at any particular auction. Last year the selection in Cleveland was better but we did not have the Goliad Farms fish to buy at the auction last year. I just need to go in knowing what people really want and what they will pay. This year there were no real "bargains" but the fish I got are simply not available elsewhere. In one way of thinking, that is in itself a bargain.


Posts : 31
Join date : 2012-01-09
Age : 76
Location : Forsyth, IL

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