Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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surprise in every tub

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surprise in every tub Empty surprise in every tub

Post  jikin junkie Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:31 am

Digging around in my outdoor tubs, was trying to get some green water going for a daphnia culture and I threw some plants into a fresh tub, just noticed goldfish fry the size of an eyelash from my wakin goldfish. I haven't been catching any spawns this year so that was a happy accident. And I put some telescopes out that I bought early this year, just babys when I got them. They have grown quite a bit but I didn't think they'd be old enough to breed. Lo and behold, I found two of the tiniest fry I've seen in that tub. Outdoor tubbin is fun!
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

Posts : 463
Join date : 2012-01-01

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surprise in every tub Empty Re: surprise in every tub

Post  twocat Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:12 pm

If you have extra I would be interested in buying some fry or trading for some angels.



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Join date : 2011-12-29
Location : Bloomington

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surprise in every tub Empty Wakin

Post  jikin junkie Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:20 pm

I've been breeding wakin for a while now. Be happy to give you some fry Mark, when they get past the eyelash stage....lol. I have some youngsters now that are 3-4". No good patterns, just few reds, maybe a red/white. They need homes. I bought those telescopes early this year and I had no idea that they would grow and be ready to spawn so fast.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

Posts : 463
Join date : 2012-01-01

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