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Does anyone know what kind of this plant?

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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty Does anyone know what kind of this plant?

Post  fastzones Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:43 pm

Does anyone know what kind of this plant?
Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Image


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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty non aquatic

Post  jikin junkie Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:12 am

If you are referring to the variegated plant in the center, that looks to be dracaena...a non aquatic houseplant. Often sold as aquatic, they will survive for a while under water but eventually rot and foul the water. Hope that helps.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty Re: Does anyone know what kind of this plant?

Post  fastzones Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:24 am

Yes the center tall plants. I bough them at petco about a week ago and now the leaf turn yellow. Are you sure they are house plants?


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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty Re: Does anyone know what kind of this plant?

Post  fastzones Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:45 am

Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Dracaena_zps5b17bd6b


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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty It is non aquatic.....

Post  jikin junkie Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:27 pm

I believe it to be DRACAENA Sanderiana. Petco is quite guilty of selling common house plants as aquatics as well as aquatic plant grown from emergent cultivation practices. Often times the plants are not labeled with scientific nomenclature but rather fanciful names like "lucky bamboo" when it is not even in the same family. Then you make the purchase, the plant lingers long enough before finally rotting away leaving the aquarist to think they had done something wrong to kill it when in actuality it is not a true aquatic plant. So they go to the store to try again. It's always good to do research on aquatic life before you purchase. Or ask us.  Laughing  So google Dracaena Sanderiana and you will find how to care for it.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty Thanks for sharing knowledge

Post  Katnapper Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:24 pm

I haven't purchased any aquatic plants at stores, but it's nice to be informed and forewarned in case I ever do. Good info... thanks!

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Does anyone know what kind of this plant? Empty Re: Does anyone know what kind of this plant?

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