Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Old Town Aquarium in Chicago

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Old Town Aquarium in Chicago Empty Old Town Aquarium in Chicago

Post  AlexW. Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:20 pm

I went to Chicago to visit my wife's family yesterday and I went into Old Town Aquarium. It was really nice. The fish were all in 40 gallon tanks and were showing really nice colors. They had several species I've never seen before like a drop fin barb, some rare geophagus, and lots of other cichlids. The saltwater selection was nice too, though I don't know much about salt so I can't get specific on species. I can tell you they had some kind of rock fish for $500. Thats probably the only downfall of the place...price. If you ever get to Old Town it is worth a look, but if you want to buy its going to cost you a pretty penny.

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Old Town Aquarium in Chicago Empty fish store

Post  jikin junkie Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:13 pm

I've been there, a while ago. Nice place..do they still have the boat counter? They had a lot of planted tanks. If I remember correctly, we had to pay for parking. Living Seas is a good one and they have a shark pond, Scott's in Westchester but they have moved or closed, Petland aquatic adventure in Bollingbrook, Tropaquatics in Lombard is okay.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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Join date : 2012-01-01

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