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PH control

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PH control  Empty PH control

Post  RainingReason112358 Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:30 pm

Does anyone here use PH up or down? Do you try to control your PH or just let it be:?:

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Join date : 2011-12-30
Age : 39
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PH control  Empty Re: PH control

Post  nemoose Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:23 am

I do adjust ph for african cichlids. Luckily bloomington had hard water so I dont heen to do much, but I use cichlid salts to get i to about 8.4. I also use aragonite sunstrate and some shells to help buffer and keep the ph stable.

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Join date : 2011-12-30

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PH control  Empty Re: PH control

Post  Oldman Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:21 am

I never adjust the pH of my tank water. At one time I did use pH down products and even bought a small bottle of phosphoric acid to reduce the pH in my tank. In the end I had to admit that pH is not something that I should change with additives. Instead I read the literature with the simple thought that anyone advocating a pH reduction is really saying that the particular fish in question require less minerals in their water. By using that interpretation, I have come to the realization that a mix of RO water and tap water can give me an approximation of the mineral content of native fish waters. As a result, I have found it not only possible but very rewarding to set up mixes of tap and RO water to match particular fish's needs. Most of what I keep are livebearers, which prefer hard water, but even my pygmy cories thrive in a tank of mixed RO and tap water. The pH never seems to drop when I mix these waters, but the cories don't know the difference since the mix moves the water close to their natural water needs in terms of TDS, total dissolved solids.


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