Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Wanted Adult Female Bristlenose Pleco

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Wanted Adult Female Bristlenose Pleco Empty Wanted Adult Female Bristlenose Pleco

Post  AlexW. Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:23 am

I am looking for an adult female bristlenose or two to go with my albino longfin male. I have some juvenille kribs or an adult female australian rainbow I would be willing to trade. The kribs have really nice looking parents, so they should be nice fish when they mature, and the rainbow is so nice I thought she was a subdominant male for a long time, until I found some hybrid fry in the tank that could only have come from her. I would prefer to trade, but I am willing to buy if the price is right.

Posts : 107
Join date : 2012-07-20
Age : 48
Location : Normal

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