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daphnia anybody raise these?

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daphnia   anybody raise these? Empty daphnia anybody raise these?

Post  egbar guppies Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:54 pm

I kept them for several years, let them die out and wish i had some to start another few cycles. they were fun and the guppies loved them, easier than brine shrimp... input anybody?

egbar guppies

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daphnia   anybody raise these? Empty Re: daphnia anybody raise these?

Post  DavidZ Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:04 pm

I tried to raise them a while back but didnt have a lot of luck. I feed baby things that I raise (angels and corries lately) microworms and about everything else I keep i feed live blackworms.

Seems eaiser than the daphnia.

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Age : 61
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daphnia   anybody raise these? Empty daphnia cultures

Post  jikin junkie Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:57 pm

I got a culture started accidentally when I bought a pond lily. I kept them going for a year but eventually they died out. Bought another start from aquabid this summer and they did great for a while but I ran out of green water and they died out again, much harder to keep than microworms. Some varieties do better in cold water. I think the first one I had was Daphnia magnus or magna and the other was pulex? Microworms and brine are easier by far.
jikin junkie
jikin junkie

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daphnia   anybody raise these? Empty Re: daphnia anybody raise these?

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