Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Smart Start Complete

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Smart Start Complete Empty Smart Start Complete

Post  DavidZ Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:34 pm

This is not an endorsement of any kind, but the people at Smart Start sent some of their product to give out to the club.

Here is information on the stuff: http://www.startsmart-testimonials.com/home.html

I have (40) 12-oz bottles of the Freshwater and 8 of the Saltwater to hand out at the meeting next week.

Posts : 862
Join date : 2011-12-29
Age : 61
Location : Normal, IL


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Smart Start Complete Empty Re: Smart Start Complete

Post  danr Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:05 pm

Well I tried out the freshwater Smart Start on my 40 gallon tank that houses my angel fish and 1 happy still alive guppy. I decided to split the recommended dosage into two sessions approximately 24 hours apart. I followed the recommended total dose for my tank size base on the instructions on the bottle (don't quote me because i don't have the bottle in front of me but i think it was 1oz/10 gallons ....i used 120ml (4oz) split into two 60ml doses). I also read on the internet that you could add a considerable amount above the recommended dosage without hurting your fish but you basically would be wasting money in the form of product waste. I decided to use the product because I was having an Ammonia (NH3) spike. Prior to the dosing i was also doing a daily water change of 20-25%, during the two days of dosage and 72 hours I did no water change but monitored my aquarium parameters. I observed stable(stable was normal for my cycle) level of NH3 continue through this time frame. After the 72 hours I continued my normal daily water change and my nitrogen cycle went on as normal nitrogen cycle would. So in the end in my test the product failed at all of its claims and didn't work. I give the product a D, it didn't perform as advertised but it didn't hurt my fish.


Start Smart failed in my experiment.

P.S. my nitrites are now going down and my nitrates are slowly going up i have had fish in this tank since Nov. 11


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Join date : 2012-10-09
Location : Lincoln

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