UV steralizer
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UV steralizer
Anyone have any experience with UV steralizers? Looking at buying something like this: http://www.marinedepot.com/Lifegard_Aquatics_40_Watt_UV_Sterilizer_QL_40_36_to_40_Watt_UV_Sterilizers-Lifegard_Aquatics-RB5175-FIUVUUTO-vi.html
It's $160 at Jehmco.
Re: UV steralizer
I use the green killing machine. Have 2 9W $39.99 and 2 24W $55.99 on sale @ petco.com I have 2 24W in my 300 and one 9W in each 55. I don't use any on the 30's. I have had them up and running for 6 months now with no problems. With your system it alittle different! (we can't all have great set-ups like David ) In your case it looks like a good deal!!
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Age : 39
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