Central Illinois Tropical Aquarium Club
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Sailfin next weekend

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Sailfin next weekend Empty Sailfin next weekend

Post  twocat Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:48 pm

I received this e mail. I am going to try to attend.

Hi Mark, Sue, Roger,

I was asked to forward this to members of Tri-County Tropical Fish Society and CITAC members. Please sned it on to your members if anyone is interested in attending

On Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:52 PM, Chuck Bremer <bremercd01@gmail.com> wrote:


Could you let Mark Deschmid and Sue Atwell or whomever are the best contacts for the CITAC and the TCTFS clubs know they are welcome to attend the visit with John Cwaygel at Sailfin next Sunday. Will congregate there about 3:00 and he is planning to have some behind the scenes exhibits as part of the offerings. Also the chance to talk to other fish keepers from both CAFE and MASI likely over Pizza and soda after.

I do not have an email for Mark and you would know the best contact at TCTFS.


Chuck Bremer


Posts : 843
Join date : 2011-12-29
Location : Bloomington

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